Champ Records Music Production- (Hood Crunk Beats) are unique original beats created to give each artist their own unique style and flavor. Each beat has its own unique mixture of instruments, 808's, snares, claps, hi-hats, basslines, strings, effects, synthesizers and more. Hood Crunk Beats are never duplicated so after purchase it belongs only to you. After purchase each beat comes with a (Wave File, MP3 File and Track Stems) so that you may have the ability to take out or change any part of the beat that you want. Supplying an artist with track stems allows you to make alterations to the beat if desired. Check out Hood Crunk Beats in the player below.
Frydae Killasmoke
CEO of Champ Records Music Production
Music Releases
The album, single and E.P releases below all have Hood Crunk Beats produced from Champ Records Music Production. These albums feature the groups UNDISPUTED & LEVEL UP from Champ Records Music Production representing C.R.M.P Hood Crunk Music.
(You can click the album cover to stream each album or purchase the album.)
The album's and E.P's are available on all music platforms.
Gain on My Level- Album
Get Lit - Stay Lit- Album
Mr. Hood Crunk- Album
Dope- E.P
On Go- E.P
Parley- E.P
Houston- E.P
Breakin Bad- Single
Disrespectful- Single
Head To The Bar- Single
Hear My Song- Single
Stash House- Single Bonus Track: Gangsta's Live
Circumstances- Single
Check out these Hood Crunk Beats available for purchase. Just stream a track and test your skills. Contact Champ Records Music Production for pricing. We have a wide variety of beats so note that these are only a few that we've decided to display. To hear more Hood Crunk Beats for purchase please contact C.R.M.P below for a consultation and appointment.